Life Changing
As you all know, WE ARE PREGNANT! I’m a little behind in beginning this blog (so very busy) but better late than never right?
My hope is to document the journey of this pregnancy and where life takes us afterwards. A blog that is solely dedicated to the life of the little being that would arrive in the next 8 months.
So let me explain the 3 pregnancy tests pictured above. We decided to have a baby, but I was surprised at how quickly we were able to conceive. You have to understand where I’m coming from….from my research and hearing other people’s stories, I was expecting it to take several months before we would hit the jackpot!
I’m pretty in tune with my body, so I knew that after a couple days of missing my cycle……something was off. I explained my concerns to my husband Walt and 30 minutes later we were back from a drug store run.
I took the first test and there they were. Two pink lines (one however was a little faint). To be sure, I then took the second pregnancy test, waited the worlds longest 5 mins, ran to the bathroom…and again…two pink lines.
I sat on the couch in shock. Is this real? Am I really going to be a mommy? Right now?
To be certain, I did the unthinkable. I made my husband pee on a stick. Why not? If his test comes back with two pink lines…..there is something wrong with this picture. Either the test is defective, or my husband has some explaining to do! LUCY! 😉
Of course his came out negative, and as we began to take it all in and get excited. Our next call was to make a doctors appointment to confirm what we pretty much already knew…..
Stay tuned for more! =)
Also to see the blog post where we announced our pregnancy, click HERE!
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